Online Auction Becomes More Popular

Online car auction is predicted to become a trend in the future. This is in line with people's need of time efficiency and advanced information technology.

By joining an online auction, one does not need to go to a physical auction house. All auction processes, from buying a bidder number (NPL) to bidding itself, are carried out through the website of the auction house.

Because in online auction the bidders are not present in the location, then they need to be very careful so that they don't get involved with a fictitious auction.

To avoid fraud in auction, id (July 13, 2018) said that the first thing to do is a bidder-to-be must register and choose a car that fits the desired specifications. Bidder also needs to see the items they want themselves. Usually auction houses, both conventional and digital, give opportunity for bidders-to-be to see the vehicles themselves three days before the auction in what is commonly called an 'open house'.

IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi, an auction house under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), also taps into the online auction trend. IBID has given an option for online auction. Cars sought through online auction are mostly multiple purposes vehicles (MPVs) for families.

Bidders-to-be do not need to feel worried about joining an online auction in IBID. IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi President Director Daddy Doxa Manurung underlined the advantage of buying items through IBID auction, which is high transparency for every item put on auction.

"We offer items of various conditions, variations, and options according to budget," Doxa said. He was optimistic that online auction would contribute more in the future as people’s habit shifts to digital way of life.

Currently, IBID online auction service is still web-based. Thus, registering and bidding in the auction can be carried out even on a smartphone.

To join an auction, a participant must first register on IBID website. Next, the participant needs to choose the vehicle and the auction schedule. The participant then has to buy a bidder number (NPL) for Rp5 million for a car or Rp1 million for a motorcycle.

If a participant didn't win, the NPL could be redirected for bidding another item in the next auction. But the money would be refunded fully if at the end the participant didn’t win any bid at all.

When a participant wins a bid, details for paying the vehicle would be sent to their e-mail. After they pay for the vehicle fully, they can bring the vehicle home.

IBID offers various items on auction from cars to motorcycles, heavy equipment, to devices such as laptops and personal computers. Currently, IBID has 10 branch offices which hold auction covering 30 cities in Indonesia.

To know more about IBID, you can read this page or access its social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
