Used Cars as the Ideal Option for Eid al-Fitr Homebound Trips

Jakarta – Ahead of Eid al-Fitr, used car sales keep increasing. mobil88 Chief Operating Officer Halomoan Fischer said that the growth reaches around 20% to 30% compared to other months and happens two weeks before Eid al-Fitr. Used cars that are most in demand are family cars or MPVs, SUVs, and city cars.

According to Fischer, there are still many customers who choose used cars as their transport means for homebound trips because of several benefits. One of them is that used car is always ready to use for homebound trips.

"It is different from buying a new car, which takes a lot of time. Usually, car registration process takes one to two weeks,” he said. (, May 18, 2018).

Moreover, Fischer added that a customer can bring home the used car right away from the dealership as long as the administration process is completed. Therefore, the customer does not need wait for long until the car is readily available. Another benefit is that the price of the used car will not go down by much if the customer wants to sell it again.

People increasingly tend to buy used cars for homebound trips. It’s just that when buying used cars, there are several things that must be paid attention to in detail, because if the customer buys the car carelessly, they may just end up regretting it. Moreover, the time is limited because it is already close to the homebound trip period.

One of the things that must be considered is the car’s condition. Make sure that the used car you will buy has a good quality, in terms of exterior, interior, engine, etc.,” (June 7, 2018) wrote.

Potential buyer should not hesitate to ask for the car’s history from the seller. Then, it is better to check whether the car was involved in a crash that damaged its chassis and whether it underwent routine maintenance. The characteristics of a car that was involved in a crash include disproportionate door, scratches, and uneven surface of the body.

To check whether the car was submerged in a flood, potential buyer can check for stains on the car seat, because stains caused by a flood are difficult to remove.Moreover, there is usually a musty smell that is quite unique and strong.

Next, check the completeness and authenticity of the documents. To check, make sure that the chassis and engine numbers on the car match the numbers stated in the vehicle registration document (STNK) and vehicle ownership document (BPKB).

Potential buyer can also verify the documents at the authorized agencies. Borrow the documents and bring them to the Vehicle Document Registration Center (Samsat) where the car is registered to check its status. Documents that are complete and authentic will ensure the legality of the vehicle ownership process, so that there will be no problem in ownership transfer, etc.

mobil88, a used car dealership under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), offers various vehicles at various prices. With more than 20 branches in Indonesian large cities, mobil88 sells various brands and types of high-quality used cars.

As a showroom with more than 30 years of experience, mobil88 dares to offer buyback guarantee that the car has not been involved in an accident or a flood. The chassis and engine numbers are also guaranteed to match the numbers stated in STNK and BPKB. The odometer has not been wound back either.

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