Check Out This List of Promising Industries in 2024

The ceaseless growth of digital technology has changed how we interact in economic activities, from dynamics in the workplace to how we do business. The change goes beyond the consumer landscape; it also affects manufacturers and the ways they make and market their products.

Thanks to the digital revolution, many industries are expected to thrive well in 2024, with digital technology-driven commerce, service, and creative sectors joining the ranks.

The outlook is bright, too, for a slew of other digital industries, including e-book, e-commerce consulting, digital healthcare, and social media management. In Indonesia, more and more people are reading e-books and listening to audiobooks, finding them more convenient and accessible to enjoy.

anytime and anywhere—it's like having a personal library in your pocket. In addition, e-commerce consulting continues to flourish with the boom in online sales on digital platforms as they keep expanding their product catalogs.

See also: 2024 Logistics Industry Outlook: A Prosperous Ride Ahead

Creative Industries Are the Most Sought-After

The commerce industry is projected to soar high in 2024 as consumption increases and the economy recovers. The next fastest-growing industry on the list is online courses, which include supplemental education for students and courses for learning languages and other skills.

Online courses are increasingly popular since they are a good choice for people with tight schedules who want to learn something new. Online courses are not only efficient and flexible, but they also save time and money.

With the competition in the commerce industry heating up, the market for social media management is expected to burgeon in 2024. As lifestyles and habits shift, people turn to social media to look for product information, increasing the industry's relevance.

With the national economy recovering, as the government projected, big opportunities await digital technology-based businesses.

Among digital technology-adopting companies, PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), an Astra International company, is stepping up to the plate.

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SERA offers a wide range of services, including vehicle rental, used car dealerships, auctions, and logistics solutions.

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

To learn more about career opportunities at the company, visit its official website at or click on this direct link:
