The Direct Impact of Infrastructure Development on Business Logistics

Infrastructure Influences National Economic Growth

The statement that infrastructure is the backbone of economic progress is most definitely not a meaningless drivel. Toll roads, seaports, airports, and railways heavily support a nation's economic progress.

If the country’s economy takes a step forward, so will the people. This fact is evident in various countries around the world, including in Indonesia, as stated by the Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Danang Parikesit, some time ago.

The Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, emphasized the inseparable link between toll roads and the level of national economic progress.

This is because toll roads, functioning as freeways, play an essential role in the effectiveness of people's mobility and goods delivery.

The more effective the flow of goods delivery, the more effective the business operations of companies in a country. If business runs effectively and efficiently, it will support maximum economic growth.

"Moreover, we see currently that toll roads also heavily support access to airports, seaports, and centers of economic growth, such as industry and residential areas," explained Danang.

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All the points connected by the toll road are vital means of transport for logistics activities. It proves that the infrastructure greatly influences logistics, defined as the management (storage and maintenance) and distribution of goods.

The Important Role of Transportation Infrastructure in the Logistics Industry

The Chairman of Supply Chain Indonesia (SCI), Setijadi, expressed a similar statement. He said that in the supply chain, transportation and telecommunications infrastructure play a vital role in the supply and demand process of producing and distributing goods.

"The presence of roads (especially toll roads), railways, airports, and seaports are vital in this process," he said.

In other words, infrastructure heavily determines the continuity of the logistics business and companies that use logistics services.

The better and more complete the infrastructure, the more effective and efficient business will be and vice versa. However, companies using logistics services must also note that profits will not be maximized if the partnered logistics company is not professional.

See also: Things to Keep in Mind When Using a Shipping Agency

To keep the effectiveness and efficiency of the logistics process, you can rely on a trusted logistics company with an acclaimed and credible reputation.

With extensive experience in the industry, SELOG, a PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA business line and part of PT Astra International Tbk, is one of these logistics companies.

Initially established to provide vehicle rental solutions, SERA has become the largest, industry-leading transportation provider.

With over 35 years of experience, SERA continues innovating, providing effective, efficient, and high-quality logistics services through SERA Logistic (SELOG).

SELOG is here to serve the customers’ needs in end-to-end logistics through diverse services. They range from Contract Logistics, Shipping Services, Shipping Agencies, Forwarding Agencies, Warehouse and Yard Management to Courier Services.

Driven by the latest digital technologies, SELOG Services not only bring greater convenience to your business but are also practical and efficient.

With its Astra Fleet Management Solution (FMS), SELOG provides businesses in Indonesia with IT-based comprehensive solutions for managing fleet vehicles.

This company also has a well-maintained fleet of vehicles and equipment. Thus, they are ready to use anytime. To learn more about SERA’s profile and its services, including SELOG, visit its official website at
