The Importance of Work-Life Balance: Why It’s Not Nonsense

People often talk about the importance of living a balanced life, and when it comes to work, it means giving your work responsibilities and commitments outside your work equal attention.

And that’s what work-life balance, or WLB, is all about. Although the saying has become a cliché, you might still struggle to find the right way to practice the concept.

According to Hudson (2005), work-life balance is the ability of a person to strike a balance between the time they spend at work and time spent outside work, which, of course, includes time one spends with their family. The equilibrium includes allocating enough portion of time.

Achieving a good WLB will entitle you to a rewarding life, from a stress-free mind and perfect life pace to good health, excellent productivity and creativity.

With a good WLB, your family bonds will also get strongerbecause you will likely set aside time for your family, giving your family communication and togetherness a chance to improve.

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Surefire Ways to Achieve a Good Work-Life Balance

If you’re looking to improve your work-life balance, there are a couple of things you should do. First, create a schedule for work or personal life and always try to live by it.

Second, be assertive to say no to any activities not scheduled beforehand. Kindly and politely decline any invitations to these activities, especially if they come from your close friends.

Third, stop worrying about work when you’re on a break from work or outside work hours. In short, following your schedule and valuing your time is the key.

Fourth, maintain a close relationship with your family. Good communication with every member of your family will prevent family issues, which can lead to problems at work, from happening.

Achieving adequate levels of work-life balance is essential for workers. However, striking the right balance between work and personal life doesn’t depend only on the internal factors above but also on the external ones, which include your work environment.

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When you’re looking for a job at a company, be sure to do your research on its background and work culture. Choose a trustworthy company with an excellent reputation, like PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA.

Founded on March 22, 1990, the company has ever since become the largest in Indonesia’s transportation and logistics industry. This Astra Group’s company constantly seeks new talent to join the team in various positions.

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

To learn more about career opportunities at SERA, visit its official website at or click on this direct link:
