Celebrating SERA’s diversity in Seranesia

This year, PT Serasi Autoraya again organized the annual SERA Day that doubled as a leaders’ forum, choosing the theme “Seranesia, Serasi dalam Keragaman” (Seranesia, Harmony in Diversity). The word Seranesia itself, according to SERA Day 2017 Committee Head K. Ryan Sanjaya, is a simple acronym for ‘serasi’ and ‘Indonesia’ which gives a strong impression of diversity.

“Seranesia can describe our current condition both in the SERA groupspecifically and in Indonesia as a nation more widely,” Ryan said in a written statement for SERA Day 2017.

SERA Day that was held on Thursday (September 14, 2017) was indeed a celebration of diversity and differences among SERA folks. True to the theme, 300 attendees, comprising leaders and SERA Quality Convention (SQC) participants, came to the event wearing traditional costumes from various regions of Indonesia.

The event, held in Holiday Inn Hotel, Kemayoran, Jakarta, was opened by a heartfelt performance of the song “Tanah Airku” by Sarles Lazarus Yesayas from TRAC Leasing. Next was the opening speech by SERA President Director who also acted as counselor to SERA Day 2017, Firman Yosafat Siregar.

Some representatives from SERA group performed in the event. The Logistics Team performed the Saman dance, then the Transportation Service Team got on stage for a contemporary dance. Not willing to get left behind, the Pre-Owned Car Team marched in a costume parade.

The event was put to an end by a closing speech by SERA President Commissioner Paulus Bambang Widjanarko. He delivered an inspiring speech to build motivation and remind employees to work responsibly in developing products and services of the company with all their hearts.

During SERA Day 2017, judges also ran an assessment on SERA Quality Convention (SQC) participants. The competition was meant to increase the innovativeness of SERA folks in working.