SERA Encourages an Innovation Culture Through SERA Quality Convention

SERA Quality Convention 2017 had been successfully held on the same day of SERA Day 2017 in Holiday Inn Hotel, Kemayoran, Jakarta on Thursday (September 14). A total of 15 group of finalists that were chosen from five categories competed to become the winner of the competition.

A speech from SERA Group President Director FirmanYosafatSiregar marked the opening of the 11th SERA Quality Convention, followed by a speech from SERA Group Corporate Management Development Head Susanti Eliana. Susanti invited attendees and participants to continue with the next agenda, the final judgement of SERA Quality Convention 2017.

During the judgement process, each team had to present their project in front of the judgeswho were the company’s management. The assessment was conducted through Q&A session and discussion. It had to be conducted carefully as the best team from each category will represent SERA in InnovAstra 2018 competition.

At the end of the event, the judges announced the winners of SQC 2017. Abi Tiyoso Suryo from SERA CIST won the Best Project Improvement 2016-2017, while Suntoro from TRAC Banjarmasin won the Best Facilitator.

Along with them, Ahmad Adriansyah and TeguhYulianto from TRAC Palembang won the Best Non-Technical Suggestion Sytem. Meanwhile, Acmad Suaidi and Muktiono won the Best Technical Suggestion Sytem.

Other categories such as Non-Technical Quality Control Circle and Technical Quality Control Circle were awarded to Hub Crossdocking team from SLI Jakarta and SERA CIST, as well asTjap Tjoendjoengan teamfrom O-RENZ Surabaya. The Best Quality Control Project was awarded to Gammara team.

In the same occasion, Brand Achievement and Individual Achievement were awarded to the best employees of SERA Group. It was certainly a proud moment for the winners.

Every year, the participation of SQC 2017 constantly increases. Data shows that employees’ participation in the competition increased by 31% from the previous year, with a total of 286 projects submitted in the competition.

In the future, SQC is expected to become a medium for developing SERA’s human resources through improvement and innovation. SQC participants are also expected to share their knowledge and experiences to maintain continuous improvement in employees’ performance.

SQC is not merely a competition and awards event but also a long process of an innovation development cycle in SERA Group. Each improvement and innovation is monitored continuously to ensure that they give optimal contributions to the company.

This cycle also describes the balance between work, measurement, awards, and competency development which should be possessed by all individuals to make SERA an innovative company. All these initiatives should be supported by capable human resources, highly-motivated employees, and high commitment from the company’s management.