How to Buy Car in Auction

When you look for cars in an auction, you can find on offer various types of cars such as MPVs, city cars, 4x4s, and trucks. Interestingly, when buying, you can bid with the starting price below the market price.

Then, how to join an auction? Not all auction houses are open for public, and some of them even require buying more than one car. Even so, there are auction houses like IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya, that allows anyone to join the auction or even to buy only one car.

If you want to find the cars in IBID, our auction house, which is also part of Astra Group, has an organized system so that everything is already in order.

Come first to IBID auction house or check the There, you can see which cars are ready for auction. The auction schedule is also available there. From D-3 of auction day, or usually called Open House, you can see directly the cars that will be up for auction at IBID pool location.

Every car that is entered into auctionwill have paper attached on it that shows the result of inspection on its condition. The score is from A to E, so buyers will know the car’s condition.

Once you have eyed your desired car, you can deposit guarantee money to get Auction Participant Number (NPL) to be able to participate in the auction. The fee is Rp5 million for one NPL or to bid for one car in the auction.

“Check on D-3, we have Open House, you can see the condition and more there. You can see the interior, turn on the engine. Later during the auction, the car will pass through for show. You can bring mechanics if you don’t understand cars during Open House,” Chief Operation Officer Balai Lelang IBID Daddy Doxa Manurung said.

What if you lose the auction? Is the deposit fee forfeited? According to the rules in IBID, the participants who lose the auction can use their NPL to bid for other units.

Even if you do not win any car, according to IBID rules, deposit fee will be fully returned via bank transfer to the bank account number that you have registered.

With this systemized auction, auction participants just need to sit down and bid. This system will also increase the chance for those who want to entrust their cars for auction at IBID.