SERA Celebrates Astra’s 61st Anniversary

Jakarta – PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), as one of Astra’s subsidiaries, also celebrated Astra’s 61stanniversary on Tuesday (February 20). All SERA individualsgathered to celebrate Astra’s journey with gratitude and pride.

Astra’s 61stanniversary celebration that day was marked with the symbolic slicing of a tumpeng by SERA President Director Firman Yosafat Siregar. Members of SERA Group’s board of directors were also present.

With the slogan “61 Years of Astra, Becoming a World-Class Organization”, SERA also stands at the front lines to contribute to the realization of this goal. SERA Group, comprising mobil88, TRAC, IBID, and SELOG, will keep trying to give the best services and products to become a world-class organization.

Four main strategies have been summarized by Astra to realize this mission, which are developingcontinuous innovation, developinghuman capital, building a tough organization, and becoming main partners.

By implementing these strategies, SERA believes that it can have a better 2018.We hope that we can contribute and give more benefits to the Indonesian people.