11 Years Serving, IBID is Committed to be a Trusted Auction House in Indonesia

Right on this day, IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), turns 11. Moving along with the times, IBID keeps developing technology to provide convenience in auction for the people.

Digitalization has pushed IBID to improve services in order to become a trusted auction house chosen by the people. For example, IBID has the option of online auction so that people can join the auctions from wherever, even through gadgets.

Through digitalization, IBID hopes to give convenience and, at the same time, expand the network of auction so that people from any region can participate in the auctions.

Moreover, auction itself is not yet a commonly known method of asset purchase or sale, even though through auction, buyers and sellers can gain many benefits.

Both individuals and companies can entrust their assets to be sold through IBID's auction house. We offer solution of fast asset sale with optimum prices, whether in bulk or in units.

There are various assets than can be entrusted to IBID, such as vehicles like cars and motorcycles, computers, laptops, and other gadgets.After that, IBID will help to sell these assets through auctions that are conducted professionally. 

Conversely, people who want to purchase asset can join auction as participants. Auction allows participants to purchase assets with competitive prices. There are also various assets to be chosen according to one’s needs.

In the future, IBID will keep digitalizing each process of its business. We hope that people from all corners of the country will increasingly experience the convenience of auction in IBID.