The Main Reason Indonesians Prefer Laptop

Indonesians seem to prefer laptop to support their education or work activities. The thing is that urbanites these days have high mobility, and a laptop is easier to carry anywhere.

In 2017, a survey by Information Application, Information, and Public Communication Research and Development Centershows that 21.36% Indonesians owned laptops.

This survey was done on 2,121 respondents with various backgrounds and ages. Those who owned laptops mostly came from urban areas such as the island of Java with the percentage of 26.28%.

No less interesting, these laptop users were also working age population who had university-level education or workers with high mobility. The frequency of usage ranges from 1-3 hours a day.

Indeed, laptop is designed to be compact and light to fit into bagsso that people can do work activities anytime. The function is different from desktop computer that has limited mobility.

These flexibility and mobility are the reasons behind higher sales of laptop. However, this trend has become global phenomenon.

The research institute TrendForce recorded that laptop shipment in Q3 2017 grew by 6.8%, while the year-on-year reached 0.9%, with total shipment of 42.69 million units.

This indicates that the need for gadget will keep increasing, including the need for laptops.It does not mean that people have to always purchase the new ones. Moreover, the more sophisticated a laptop is, the more expensive it is.

However, laptops with budget prices are actually obtainable by purchasing through an auction in auction house. The prices themselves are pocket-friendly.

For example, in IBID-Balai Lelang Serasi, which is under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) and is part of Astra, laptop can be offered with the starting price of Rp 1.7 million. Even a very cutting-edge gadget can be offered with the starting price of Rp 2.5 million.

Those who want to buy laptop, tablet, or desktop computer are welcome at IBID to participate in the auction process and make bids with easy and affordable requirement, which is to pay only Rp100,000 to get Auction Participant Number (NPL) for one gadget in auction.

If auction participants do not get the items they make bids for, then the Rp100,000 will be returned. We hope the convenience and competitive prices we offer can help people who need laptops.