Demand for Transportation Increases as Homebound Trip Season Gets Near

Homebound trips are one of the traditions during Eid al-Fitr holiday season,which people look forward to for reuniting with relatives. It is only expected that the demand for transportation increases as the holiday season gets near.

People wanting to take the trips have begun looking for flight and train tickets as early as three months or 90 days before their planned departure. The number of people wanting to spend Eid al-Fitr in their hometowns is quite huge, and the figure keeps increasing every year.

Everybody knows that it’s very difficult to get public transportation tickets for Eid homebound trips, especially to destinations in Central Java and East Java. Even when trip frequencies are increased, not everyone can be accommodated.

Not only the public transportation stretched to their limits to fulfill the need for homebound trips, but the roads are also always congested every time Eid approaches. People who have vehicles usually choose to undergo homebound trip with their family using their own vehicles.

As cited from Antara, in 2017, around three million vehicles crowded the roads during the homebound season, moving from the west to the east in Java, especially on the North Coast Road. While in 2016, there were only 652,017 vehicles passing by during the same period. The increase was a whopping 470%. 

To provide transportation during the homebound season, the government runs programs such as free homebound trip using public transportation such as buses and ships.

The government also offers facilities to homebound travelers such as free delivery of their motorcycles to their hometowns. Furthermore, the police have an annual task of directing the crowdedtraffic during the homebound season. 

The need for transportation during the Eid season will always be under the spotlight. Thus, to fulfill that need, mobil88 offers an alternative option for people to travel to their hometown using high-quality used cars that are ready to be taken homebound.

As a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), mobil88 is committed to providing ease for people who want to own cars with complete specifications and guaranteed quality.

For certain, used cars offered by mobil88 boast the same comfort as new cars, and they come with convenient after-sales service. Thus, people can enjoy a more comfortable and safer homebound travel.