TRAC Officially Becomes Partner for Paser Administration in Procurement of Rental Cars

East Kalimantan TRAC, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) which offers the best vehicle rental service, now has officially become the partner of Paser regency administration in the procurement of rental cars to meet the daily need of operational transportation.

The inauguration of the partnership was symbolically marked by the handover of a car key from TRAC Regional Manager Raden Deffi Chalid to Paser Regent Yusriansyah Syarkawi. The event was held in Sadurengas meeting room, Tanah Grogot, Paser, on Tuesday (April 13).

“By procuring cars through rental, not only it’s more efficient, but we also hope that all operational needs can be fulfilled, and all our officials can truly be helped in doing their tasks,” Yusrianyah said, as cited from Daya Taka Channel.

Under the partnership which is worth Rp5.4 billion, TRAC will provide 64 cars for one year ahead.

“Paser administration is the first region in East Kalimantan that partnered with us. For government institutions, so far only some government offices and state-owned enterprises in East Kalimantan have partnered with us,” TRAC Account Sales Head Erwin Budiman, who was also present in the event, said, as quoted by Kaltim Post on Thursday (April 15).

Erwin also said that all cars provided are new, produced in 2018. TRAC will be fully responsible of routine maintenance of the cars.

“They can have the cars serviced in any of our branches. If any of the rental car users (from Paser administration) is in Balikpapan, they can go directly to our branch there. Conversely, we can also send our team to Paser,” Erwin added.

TRAC is honored to be a partner of the Paser administration. We’re ready to provide the best service to meet customers’ transport needs.