SERA Appreciates Achieving Employees

Jakarta – SERA 2.0,held in el Royale Hotel, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta,on Thursday (September 13), was memorable to the achieving SERA individuals. Smiles adorned their faces when they received tokens of appreciation for their great performance.

Nur Fitriyani Setyowati, a SERA individual who was crowned as The Most Valuable Employee 2018 even shed a tear when receiving the special prize of umroh package. Other than her, Iwan Setiawan who achieved The Best Driver National 2017 also seemed teary when receiving the award.

"I did not expect this, I am so happy. Thank you to SERA who has appreciated the hard work of its employees. This becomes my motivation to work even better," Iwan said.

SERA also gave award to Antonius Mitra Pawartaas The Best Management Trainee Project Improvement 2017-2018. Not only individual awards, SERA also gave awards to branches and divisions that have contributed the most to the company's growth.

In the event, SERA Group President Director Firman Yosafat Siregar extended his congratulations and expressed gratitude to the winners. He hoped that these achievements could motivate other SERA individuals to boost their performance and give their best when working.
