Three Right Moments to Buy Used Cars

Buying a used car can be an alternative for people who have limited income or need to save money for other purposes. Even better, there are the right moments to buy used cars.

There are moments when used car showrooms slash the prices of the cars they sell. Those who want to try their luck to get their dream car with a more affordable price can take advantage of these moments.

President Director of mobil88 Halomoan Fischer called those moments 'golden periods', the periods that should be taken advantage of by those who want to avoid hike in prices, especially in used car prices. "There are moments when many people sell their cars, making consumer demand decrease, causing the prices of most cars to drop," Fischer told kumparanOTO, Saturday (February 10).

The first moment is at the start of a new academic year. This is a unique phenomenon because as school children go back to school, car price decreases. According to Fischer, during this period, many people sell their cars to showrooms.

Fischer hypothesized that one of the reasons is that parents are looking for extra fund for their children's education. New academic year means that parents have to dig deep into their pockets. They tend to forego their selfishness of wanting to have a comfortable car to be able to pay for their children's schooling.

With so many cars on offer, used car showrooms thus lower the prices of the cars. This is done with the expectation that the number of cars that leave the showroom will balance out the number of cars that have just arrived, and thus, avoiding cars piling up in the showroom.

The second moment, Fischer continued, is during the turn of the year. It's because car makers usually release their new products at the beginning of the year, which tempt people to switch to new car models.

The third moment is the days right after Eid al-Fitr, following the spike in new car sales before the holiday. People who buy cars before Eid oftentimes will sell the cars again after, because they only use the cars for homebound trip. Another reason is that people have no more fund left for car maintenance after Eid.

Fischer said that these moments should be taken advantage of by those who want to try their luck in getting a used car with low mileage and more affordable price.

Currently, the business of used cars in Indonesia is quite competitive in comparison to the business of new cars. Sales of used cars have been increasing thanks to the more tempting offers from dealerships. One of them is mobil88, used car dealership under PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA). Before making their purchase, to-be-customers can access the website first to see the availability of the cars on offer.

If you want to check the cars with your own eyes, you can also visit any mobil88 showroom. With more than 20 branches in Indonesia’s big cities, mobil88 sells high-quality used cars of various brands and types.

As a used car dealership that has more than 30 years of experience,mobil88 gives buyback guarantee and assures that the cars it sells have never been involved in a crash or in a flood. It also guarantees that the chassis and the engine numbers match the numbers stated in vehicle registration certificate (STNK) and ownership document (BPKB). The odometer has not been tampered with either. Please click this page to learn further about mobil88's services.
