“Ngobras”, Discussing About Used Cars with mobil88

Jakarta – mobil88, a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), invited more than 40 automotive journalists from various media for an event called Ngobrol Mobil Bekas (Ngobras), or “Discussion About Used Cars”. The event was held in Terroir Coffee & Eats, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (December 18).

In the event that began with lunch, mobil88 President Director Halomoan Fischer Lumbantoruan had a relaxed discussion with the journalists about the trends in used car trade and the strategies that mobil88 would run in the next year.

“We will continue promoting the advantages of buying used cars in mobil88, for example, the buyback guarantee that means the cars we have on offer are not involved in any legal trouble, they have complete and valid documents, they have not been damaged in a flood or an accident, and the odometer has not been tampered with,” Fischer said.

He believed the strategy could boost car sales in 2019. Moreover, mobil88 also offers after-sales services, such as free car detailing and free insurance. The benefits, Fischer continued, can attract people to buy cars in mobil88.

Not only that, Fischer also told the journalists about mobil88’s plan to improve customer experience by strengthening digital sales.

“We will have an e-store next year, but please wait until next year for the details,” Fischer said.

Other than strategies for 2019, the event also discussed about the “Astralavista” program, which is mobil88’s biggest used car festival. From December 18, 2018, to January 18, 2019, people could enjoy cashback of up to Rp10 million for car purchases, whether they paid in full or in installments.

“This is a program that we hold every year. So, people who are interested in changing car or just buying more cars can make use of our offer,” he said.

The discussion was lively, especially during the question-and-answer session. The journalists asked their questions enthusiastically. The event was then closed with prize handover and photo session.

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