SERA Shares Smile and Spirit in Bandung Retirement Home

Bandung – On that sunny day, Friday (November 23), representatives of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) visited the Budi Pertiwi Retirement Home in Bandung to hand over donations and spend time with the senior women living in the home, in an event titled "Sharing Smiles, Sharing Spirit, Sharing Happiness".

In the event, the 27 senior women still looked very cheerful when they sang the song "Di Sini Senang, Di Sana Senang". The song seemed to symbolize the mood of the 27 residents of the home that day. The women could still skillfully show their ability to play angklung in harmony.

"We want to contribute to the society, including senior women, so that they can enjoy their days happily," Gerry Hendiansa, a SERA representative who attended the event, said. TRAC Bandung Branch Manager Wilhelmina Emeliana Pascentia also attended the event.

There's a long history behind this women-only retirement home. The home was established two years after Indonesia proclaimed its independence by Budi Istri community.

"Bandung in the 1940s was quite dangerous. There were many incidents happening such as Bandung Sea of Fire, the DI/TII rebellion, and many others. Because of that, there were many senior women left in Bandung, who were not taken along with refugees to the mountains," explained Ai Djoewarsa, Budi Pertiwi Retirement Home vice committee chair who is also the child of one of Budi Istri's founders.

The 71-year old woman also said that right now the committee consists of five people, while for daily operations, they're helped by seven personnel. Until now, the home can still run well thanks to various parties, including the attention given by businesses such as SERA.

"I represent Budi Pertiwi Retirement Home in thanking SERA for the help and attention," Ai said.

The activity was also in line with SERA's effort to benefit the society and the environment as a form of social responsibility. Other than the charity activity, other programs are also being run, including "SERA Mengajar" and "Sekolah Binaan". Please click this page for further information about SERA's CSR programs.
