Save on Company Operating Cost by Renting a Car

An operational vehicle is surely needed by a company in carrying out its business. It goes the same even in the current pandemic period, as businesses must go on. Of course, buying operational vehicles is a big investment for a company. 

Currently, the best solution is to use a car rental service on a monthly or even annual basis. Here are some advantages of using a car rental service instead of buying many cars for operational purposes.

Efficiency of operating cost

As buying operational vehicles is a big investment, a company must carefully make a calculation right before deciding to buy them.  Each operational vehicle would cost hundreds of million rupiahs. If the company decides to rent cars instead, it would only need to spend several million for a monthly or annual contract.

The fund to buy one car can be allocated to rent several cars for a rather long period. By renting a car, aside from being more cost-efficient, the company can also focus more to develop its business.

No need to pay tax and insurance

A company no longer needs to bother with the car’s documents and annual tax as everything will be borne by the car rental service provider. The company does not have to deal with the hassle of managing and claiming insurance as everything will be taken care of by the car rental service provider.

Maintenance fee has been taken care of

The company no longer need to allocate fund for vehicle maintenance fee, buying spare parts in case of any damage, or others. Once again, such matters become the responsibility of the car rental service provider. The company can just use the vehicles for its operational purposes.

Provision of replacement car

As maintenance becomes the responsibility of the service provider, naturally they will examine the vehicle before renting it. Besides that, most of the rented cars are new, both in terms of the series and the types. If there are any problems, just replace the car with the other.

Change the car as needed

The need for operational vehicles can change. Buying various types of vehicles will become a major hassle and require a large amount of money. Cooperating with a car rental service provider is the right choice.

One of the car rental service providers is PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), with its TRAC service, which is the biggest car rental company in Indonesia. For 29 years, TRAC has provided car rental service to companies (long term), individuals (short term), bus service, motorcycle rental service, as well as professional driving service.

As a matter of fact, TRAC has followed the digital trend to facilitate its consumers, especially those who are looking for car and bus rental service, with its online service in the form of TRAC to Go application. 

TRAC also adheres to physical distancing regulation, namely a car can only carry one driver and three passengers. Meanwhile, a medium-sized vehicle can carry one driver and eight passengers. A bus can carry one driver and 13-27 passengers, depending on its size. TRAC is also committed to implementing the TRAC SMART  protocol: Sanitized – Wear a Mask – Ready to Go! 

Let’s plan your company trio right here and now and create an unforgettable moment of togetherness with TRAC To Go. Don’t forget to download the TRAC to Go application via Google Play Store or Apple Apps Store. For further information, please contact TRAC’s Customer Assistance Center at 1500 009.
