If it is not urgent, we usually pick a certain moment to buy a vehicle. In general, the end of the year becomes the right time to own our dream vehicle. This applies not only to new car units but also used cars. What makes it more profitable to buy used cars at the end of the year?


If you plan to buy a vehicle in a particular showroom or dealer, you may get a special offer. It is possible because they certainly have an annual target before changing to a new scheme. Therefore, they usually promote a lot of special offers to quickly sell the available units.

The offers can be varied. The most special offer must be the special discounts for vehicle sales. However, other benefits such as free service or cashback can generally be obtained as well in year-end momentum. Thus, year-end sales are more profitable than normal moments. But of course, you need to choose a trusted dealer or showroom so that you are not deceived by a gimmick promotion. That way, you can get a high-quality unit.


In addition to unit providers, financing institutions should also have the same perception as the dealer. By the end of the year, they usually try to meet their annual client targets. Of course, it's a good deal if there are any special discounts. It is even better if cashback or discounts are offered for a down payment.

However, keep in mind that you still need to carefully calculate the amount of installment. Don't let it disrupt your cash flow. The most common parameter for monthly installment is a maximum of 30 percent of your income. That amount includes other installments besides the vehicle installment (total).

Also read: mo88i Offers Millions of Cashback for Car Sellers


Car manufacturers also typically produce new products and new types by the end of the year. Then, they start their sales at the beginning of the year. This could also be a special moment for the old-generation car hunters. Quite a lot of people want to trade in their cars for new models.

However, in fact, cars have a depreciation value each year with various percentages depending on the brand and vehicle type. In other words, with a smaller value, you can still get something worthy. Moreover, most of the products are still relatively new and functioning.


During long holidays, supplies are also generally increased as the demand usually rises. At this time, families usually want to have their vacation with their own vehicle. It is no wonder to see how the year-end used car sales always increase. On the other hand, the choices become more varied as well.

It is also interesting when our dream to spend the holiday in our private car can be fulfilled in a short period of time. Used cars can be carried home directly after you complete the payment. 

On the other hand, buying a new car won’t be that simple because we have to pass through some steps, including the correspondence.

You can find used cars with guaranteed quality and also at an affordable price in mobil88. You can choose the cars directly by yourself by either coming to the mobil88 showroom or surfing online. 

Also read: The “Car on Delivery” Feature is Available in mo88i for Those Who Don’t Want to Go to the Showroom

You can buy and sell used cars in safe and trusted ways only in the mobil88 showroom. You can contact the nearest mobil88 showroom in your city or contact via live chat that can be accessed through

Now, mobil88 is also available in mo88i (read: mobi), its latest digital platform. You can check the stocks of the mobil88 cars or sell used cars on mo88i, as it is a digital platform managed directly by mobil88. 

Before buying a car at mobil88, you can also consult any issues such as choosing the right car or selecting a suitable payment method. 

You can also take advantage of a credit simulation feature that allows you to select the purchase option as you need with low TDP (Total Down Payment) or small installment. This feature is integrated directly with financing companies so that the credit application process becomes easier and faster.

You can also trade in any brand and type of old car at mobil88. In just 1 hour, you can trade in your old car for a new one.
