Jakarta - As in the previous year, PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA) held a virtual Town Hall Meeting 2021 on Thursday, December 16, 2021. The event is an annual agenda regularly held by SERA as a two-way discussion forum where the management of SERA conveyed direction, strategy, and goals to be achieved in 2022. In addition, this event serves as a medium for SERA employees to share their aspirations, ideas, and input to the management for the company's progress. The event was attended by around 600 participants, comprising the management of the SERA Group, SERA personnel, and Event Committee.

The event began with the presentation of business strategies from the leaders of each business line in SERA, starting from the transport solution business line, TRAC, which was given by Hadi Winarto, Halomoan Fischer, and Anang Yunianto in turn. After that, Naga Sujady from mobil88 and Daddy Doxa Manurung from IBID gave a presentation for the used car business line. Then, a presentation from the logistics business line was given by Edy Gunawan, Husein Sutjiono, and Tri Edi from SELOG. The last session was the 2021 performance review performed by Yudas Tadeus, which was closed by Firman Yosafat Siregar as President Director of SERA.

Yosafat believes that 2022 would be a better year than 2021 as the pandemic is receding. Yosafat emphasizes that SERA will continue to increase its competence to formulate a better business strategy and implement a better digitalization process in each of its business line. By doing so, SERA will be able to provide the best service and experience to all customers. Another important factor besides people development is teamwork. It is hoped that there will be a synergy between technology and SERA personnel so that SERA can continue to maintain its business existence in the years to come. Furthermore, Yosafat added that in 2022, SERA will focus more on the implementation of processes related to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), which currently draws a lot of attention from the public, in all its operational activities. Yosafat also expressed his gratitude for all the efforts, contributions, and cooperation from all parties which enable SERA to remain resilient in facing the challenges in the last 2 years.

Even though the discussion forum was held virtually, the enthusiasm of all SERA employees remained high. This can be seen from the fact that the participants were eager to ask questions, come up with ideas, and state the challenges they were facing. “This kind of discussion is very fun and important in SERA, as it enables two-way communication in the delivery of employee aspiration to the management. We have also written down constructive inputs and ideas that we got,” said Yosafat.
