SERA's Innovation Opportunities For Inclusive Msmes

Jakarta – To commemorate the 32nd anniversary of PT Serasi Autoraya (SERA), “Bergerak dan Tumbuh Bersama Melalui Inovasi (Grow and Move Forward Together through Innovations),” SERA has collaborated with Klobility to organize the “Ruang Inovasi UMKM Inklusif SERA 2022 (2022 SERA Innovation Opportunities for Inclusive MSMEs)” program. Klobility is an organization focused on the development of human resources, particularly for people with disabilities. As a social initiative funded by the Dayalima Family, the organization aims to raise awareness and encourage the public to assist in empowering people with disabilities and creating inclusive spaces for them in their community, starting with workplaces. 

Essentially, through this program, SERA provides opportunities for inclusive MSMEs, which include both MSMEs that empower people with disabilities and businesses started by them. The purpose of this program is to promote MSMEs’ business development, including expansion in several areas such as marketing, capital, and training. SERA will work with Klobility, an organization concerned with diversity and inclusion, in selecting participants / MSMEs who register for this program.

With this program, SERA hopes to actively contribute to community empowerment, specifically the development of inclusive MSMEs. These contributions, hopefully, will open up opportunities for people with disabilities to add value to their community and pursue their passions, thereby making positive contributions to their community and the whole nation.
