Get to Know These Most Commonly Used Logistics Terms and Never Scratch Your Head Again

Logistics Industry Growing with Online Shopping Trend

Logistics is widely talked about these days. What is it, actually? It is essentially the organized movement of goods from one place to another. Logistics has become a hot topic with the emergence of new, digital technology-driven businesses operating on e-commerce platforms, owing to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which has hindered the movement of people themselves and the activities that they usually do.

With diverse categories of products to buy, the rise of online shopping has continuously contributed to the growth of the e-commerce industry. The growing number of businesses selling their products online has also driven the increase in logistics service users.

If you are looking to use logistics services to move your business forward or even non-commercially, such as sending items to one of your family members or friends living far away from you, be sure to understand these terms, which are commonly used in the logistics sector. That way, you can avoid using the wrong service for your logistics needs.

Here Is a List of Logistics Terms You Need to Know


A shipper is someone who ships, sends, or exports an item (an exporter). The shipper's name, address, and contact number should be stated clearly in the shipping documents


A consignee is someone at the other end; they receive or import the item (an importer). Like shippers, the consigner’s name, address, and contact number should be written clearly in the shipping documents

Goods description

The term refers to the details or information on the goods sent. A detailed goods description will be generally included on a packing list, and a summarized one will be in a bill of lading

Shipping marks & numbers

Shipping marks & numbers are written on the package, and they provide more information about it. These will usually be included on the packing list and in the bill of lading

Packing list

A packing list is a detailed list of goods shipped, including the shipper and the consigner’s names, goods’ types and dimensions, and other important information

Bill of lading

A Bill of lading or BL is a document issued to acknowledge the receipt or return of a package. BL can act as proof of ownership and proof of a contract of goods’ carriage

Delivery order (DO)

The term refers to a document issued by a shipping carrier to acknowledge the release of goods to another party taking delivery

Part of shipment (POS)

It refers to shipping goods from several shippers to the same destination by combining the goods into a single shipping container

Gross weight (GW)

GW is the total weight of the goods, that is, the goods and the packaging’s weight

Net weight (NW)

NW is the weight of an item itself without the weight of its packaging


It stands for less than container load and refers to shipping goods without a container. Your LCL goods will be delivered by a shipping carrier to a warehouse, loaded with others’ LCL goods into a full container, and handled as a single shipment


Full container load (FCL) shipping is where a whole container only contains your goods


A CFS or container freight station typically refers to a shipping mode for LCL goods. A namesake facility is responsible for handling the shipping from an origin port to a destination port


CY, which stands for container yard, commonly refers to a shipping mode for an FCL cargo. The cargo is consolidated and shipped from a container yard at the origin port to its destination port’s counterpart

Shipping schedule

As the name implies, it is when a cargo is dispatched for shipment


The term door refers to the goods’ original warehouse and place of destination


Stripping is the unloading of goods from a container


Stuffing refers to the loading of goods into a container or other kinds of boxes

3PL provider

A third-party logistics (3PL) provider is a shipping company that helps a business with its shipping activities, especially if they are done on a large scale


PEB is short for pemberitahuan ekspor barang, or notification of goods export, is a government-issued form you must fill out electronically with information on the goods you want to export, including their condition.

That is a list of logistics terms you should know. One thing to note is that if you are looking to use a logistics service, be sure to choose a reputable company with sufficient capabilities and professional service.

And look no further than SERA Logistik! Branded as “SELOG”, the company, which is also a part of PT Astra Internasional Tbk, has been widely known as one the biggest transportation and logistics service providers in Indonesia.

Initially established to provide vehicle rental solutions, it has become the largest, industry-leading transportation provider. With more than 32 years of experience, SERA continues innovating and providing effective, efficient, and high-quality logistics services through SERA Logistik (SELOG).

Offering a wide range of services, from contract logistics to shipping services and shipping agency, from freight forwarding and courier services to warehouse and yard management, it is ready to enable the end-to-end logistics that customers are looking for.

Driven by the latest digital technologies, its services not only bring greater convenience to your business but are also effective and efficient. With its Astra Fleet Management Solution (Astra FMS), SELOG is giving you an IT-backed, all-in-one solution for vehicle management.

This company also has a well-maintained fleet of vehicles and equipment. Thus, they are ready to use anytime. To learn more about SERA and its services, including SELOG, visit its official website here:
