TRAC Is Awarded ISO 45001:2018

Serasi Autoraya was awarded ISO 45001:2018 with no major non-conformance or structured finding. It was audited by TUV Rheinland from November 2022 to January 23, 2023. The audit was conducted at 3 locations, i.e., SERA Head Office and 2 operational branches in Condet and Balikpapan. 

ISO 45001:2018 replaces OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) 18001:2007 after the latter was withdrawn internationally. It shows that TRAC has implemented the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Management System in the Transportation and Rental Company category. 

ISO 45001:2018 mainly protects workers against the risk of occupational injuries, illness, and death. Implementing this standard can reduce occupational safety and health risks and create a safe and healthy workplace for workers, suppliers, visitors, and customers of TRAC.

This achievement encourages TRAC to comply with the existing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to create a healthy work environment by minimizing those risks. With this, TRAC is expected to maintain its service quality and ensure the safety of human resources easier to maintain productivity, customer satisfaction, and sustainable business.
