How to Drive Safe When It Is Raining Cats and Dogs

Most regions in Indonesia usually experience rainy season at the end and beginning of the year, associated by many of its people as the season of blessings and fortune.

However, rain poses a challenge to drivers during their rides when heavy rain suddenly starts to pour. It can reduce their visibility and cause danger.

It will get worse when the rain pours at night. They must anticipate it well to avoid obstacles and accidents. 

Drivers must naturally be more skillful and responsive in all weather, including heavy rain. Check out these tips to drive safely in the rain.

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Reduce Speed

Don’t drive fast in the bad weather. A water puddle can increase the risk of flat tires or aquaplaning (the loss of the tread gripping power of tires on road surfaces). In addition, heavy rain often reduces visibility, or the distance the driver can see clearly.

Reducing speed in the pouring rain can help the driver see road conditions better, choose a lane more carefully, and avoid accidents. The safest speed in bad weather is 50-60 km/hour.

Keep a Safe Distance 

Keep a safe distance from the surrounding vehicles. It aims to create enough space for drivers to react if anything suddenly happens to the front vehicle.

Follow the 6-8 second rule (approximately 50-60 meters) from the front vehicle. It allows the driver to react cautiously.

Don’t hesitate to adjust the distance, especially to a deep puddle of water, changing road conditions, etc.

Turn the Lights On

Turning on the headlights during heavy rain is crucial to increase visibility. You and other drivers can see where each of your vehicles is.

Turning the lights on in the pouring rain raises your awareness of what is happening around you, allowing you to react quickly should the condition become unsafe.

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Avoid Any Puddle of Water

Driving through a water puddle can negatively impact your car by affecting the performance of parts, such as suspension, cooling system, and transmission.

Besides, a deep puddle of water can make tires lose traction on road surfaces and cause an accident. Water from the puddle can enter the engine, damage the water circulation system (such as the radiator and water pump), and result in overheating.

Avoid Using Hazard Lights

Many people have the wrong idea of using hazard lights during heavy rain. The lights’ actual use is to signal the other cars that the car is in an emergency stop.

According to Article 121 paragraph (1) of Law No. 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Road Transportation, hazard lights can only be used when the car concerned is in an emergency or stop.

Turning them on during heavy rain may confuse other drivers because it prohibits you from using turn signals. Hazard lights often reduce visibility and pose a danger to other drivers.

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Set AC’s Temperature 

Set the AC at a lower temperature for your safety and comfort while driving in the pouring rain.

When the temperature inside the car is warmer than outside due to heavy rain, there will be condensation on its windows. It is dangerous as it reduces visibility.

Avoid Sudden Braking

Avoid putting on the brakes suddenly, particularly during heavy rain. Otherwise, a multiple-vehicle crash can occur. Wet roads reduce a car’s traction more than dry roads do.

To avoid sudden braking, keep a safe distance from the front vehicle and slow down while driving on a wet road. Make sure to brake slowly on a slippery road.

Safer Car Rental at TRAC

Those are the tips to drive safely during the rainy season. However, a good and excellent car is also essential. To use such a car, choose a credible and reputable rental company like TRAC.

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This subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA has over 37 years of experience and focuses on car rental, tour bus rental, and motorcycle rental for companies.

TRAC guarantees that each of its fleet is well-maintained, ready to use, and safe in all road conditions.

It’s really easy to book at TRAC. You can use TRACtoGo, available on Play Store and App Store. You can also go to the reservation page on the TRAC website and reach out to the Customer Assistance Center at 1500009 or send an email to

Need more information about TRAC car rental? For more information, go to TRAC’s official website and follow TRAC on Instagram @trac_astra, Facebook TRAC-Astra Rent a Car, or Twitter @TRACastra for a more exciting and convenient journey.
