The Risks of Buying a Car That Has Been in an Accident

Buying a Car That Has Been in an Accident Carries Many Risks, Here’s What You Need to Know

It’s not uncommon that consumers feel disappointed and cheated after buying a used car in mint condition but having been in an accident. It’s not a surprise, considering unscrupulous dealers are very good at polishing their cars and making them look more attractive. They are by no means honest with buyers.

Moreover, few buyers are familiar with the used car history, including whether or not the car was involved in an accident before being put up for sale.

Buyers of such cars undoubtedly can lose a lot of money. Moreover, if the accident is severe, it’s not uncommon that the vital components of the car are also damaged, such as the frame.

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A Damaged Car Structure Is Not up to Manufacturer’s Standard

Besides being uncomfortable, a used car that has been in an accident also puts the driver and the passengers at risk when driving on the road.  An accident can affect the car structure and makes it different from the design and standard set by the manufacturer. Thus, the car becomes poor in quality.

The structure of a newly manufactured car must satisfy standards for roadworthiness and crashworthiness.

Even if the structure only has a minor problem, driving the car can potentially be dangerous. Imagine if the structure is modified or damaged.

Therefore, as a potential buyer of a used car, you must check that no parts of your target car are damaged before making a transaction. Make sure that the car has never been in an accident which affects the car structure and makes it different from the manufacturer’s standard.

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A Deeper Knowledge Is Necessary to Avoid Being Deceived into Buying a Used Car That Has Been in an Accident

Skills and knowledge are indeed necessary to avoid being scammed. Thus, in addition to paying attention to the car’s appearance, you also inspect various components of the car you want to buy.

If you don’t have the skills or knowledge, it’s highly recommended that you hire an experienced and trusted inspector to check the car. Your overall budget might rise due to the extra cost of using this service.

However, if you want to avoid that, it’s best to buy a used car from a highly reputable and trusted used car showroom or dealer. Speaking of which, mobil88 is the solution.

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As a used car dealer owned by PT Serasi Mitra Mobil (a subsidiary of PT Serasi Autoraya), mobil88 guarantees that the cars sold have never been in an accident or flooded. Every used car sold by mobil88 has been thoroughly inspected by certified and reliable inspectors.

The inspection results serve as a reference used to guarantee the car’s condition, which will be informed to customers. The inspection results also determine the pricing; thus, a car is sold at a fair value.

With more than 30 years of experience, mobil88 has a professional work system and procedure recognized for its credibility.

Today, mobil88 has more than 20 branch dealerships located in Indonesia’s big cities. Some of them include Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Balikpapan, DKI Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and Denpasar.

For more in-depth and detailed information about mobil88, please visit its official website at
