How to Negotiate Your Expected Salary

Regarding job hunting or considering a job offer, salary is crucial. After all, the primary motivation for working is to earn a fair income.

It is a well-known fact that an employee’s salary or compensation usually correlates with the level or responsibility of their job. However, falling short of expectations and industry standards can significantly impact job satisfaction and performance.

In fact, many employees facing this situation may find it challenging to stay motivated and often start looking for better-paying opportunities elsewhere.

Therefore, developing effective salary negotiation skills is essential for those in job hunting or going through a job interview. This ensures that your income meets your expectations and enhances your job satisfaction.

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4 Tips for Negotiating Salary During Job Interviews

For effective and reasonable salary negotiation, it is advisable to consider these four essential tips.

Conduct Research on the Salary Ranges

First, research the average salaries for the position you are applying for in various companies. Keep in mind that salary information can vary depending on the location, such as between the same provinces or cities.

Because factors such as the cost of living differ, it is important to note that comparing salaries for the same job position between Jakarta and other areas might not provide accurate results.

Avoid Early Mention of Your Salary Expectation

Second, avoid mentioning your salary expectation during the interview unless prompted by the interviewer. It is better to wait until they inquire.

This situation emphasizes the importance of conducting preliminary research before entering the interview process as part of job recruitment.

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If you have gathered information about the typical salary range for the position you are applying for and need to adjust your salary expectations, consider reducing them by 20 percent to 25 percent.

However, it is important to note that this adjustment usually applies during probation or before attaining permanent employee status. Most companies implement a probationary period to evaluate the performance and abilities of new hires.

Express Your Feasible Salary Expectation

Third, when asked about your salary expectations, express an amount within the upper range of the salary scale for employees in the position you are applying for. This amount can be determined through your research.

Why aim for the higher end of the salary range? During the interview, the company’s HR department might typically suggest a salary at the lower end of the scale.

Provide Reasons for Your Expected Salary

Finally, demonstrate that your skills and abilities exceed the industry standards in your interview.  Answer each question confidently, with focus, and in a manner that adheres to the context.

However, one crucial aspect to consider when seeking a job at a company is the company’s condition and your future career prospects. Unpleasant work environments or a lack of career advancement can lead to dissatisfaction.

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In addition, many confess to regret working at the same company, as their careers fail to advance. Yet, career progress typically goes hand in hand with improving one’s well-being.

Therefore, choosing a company that offers a comfortable work environment, recognizes employee performance, and provides abundant opportunities for future career growth is important. Companies like PT Serasi Autoraya or SERA currently have numerous job vacancies.

SERA was founded on March 22, 1990, and has become the leader in Indonesia’s transportation and logistics industry. As part of Astra Group, SERA consistently seeks fresh talent to join the team in various positions.

SERA continues to provide opportunities for individuals qualified for positions at the company and its subsidiaries.

For more details about jobs at SERA, visit its official website at or click on this direct link:
