Employee Shuttle Buses for Clean Air Solution

The news about the deteriorating air quality in Jakarta gained global attention in early August 2023, leading to various community discussions and responses.

The discussions are not only about the impacts of poor air quality on public health and the national economy but also the main causes of air pollutants in the capital city.

Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya, in her statement regarding air quality improvement in Greater Jakarta during the Cabinet Confidential Meeting at State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday, August 14, 2023, mentioned that the transportation sector is the largest contributor to pollutants in the region, amounting to 44 percent.

Another large contributor to pollutants is the energy industry, specifically power generation, which accounts for 31 percent. The next contributors are the housing sector at 14 percent, the manufacturing industry at 10 percent, and the commercial sector at 1 percent.

Meanwhile, in terms of carbon monoxide (CO) emissions, the transportation sector contributes 96,36 percent or 28,317 tonnes/year, power generation contributes 1.76 percent or 5,252 tonnes/year, and the manufacturing industry contributes 1.25 percent or 3,738 tonnes/year.

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The transportation sector’s role as the main pollutant source in Jakarta has escalated due to the region's extensive population of motor vehicles. Data from the Jakarta Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reveals that by the end of June 2023, there were a total of 23.03 million units of vehicle.

Among those, 18.33 million units, or 79.6 percent, are motorcycles. Private cars account for 3.8 million units, while cargo trucks and special vehicles total 796,207 and 60,153 units, respectively.

However, motor vehicles in Jakarta are not limited to those owned by the city’s residents. They also come from the surrounding towns and are used by their residents while engaging in activities in Jakarta.

Resolving Air Quality Issues with This Strategy

Deputy for Infrastructure and Transportation, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs, Rachmat Kaimuddin, said the number of motor vehicles entering and leaving Jakarta reaches 17 million units daily.

These facts have urged various groups to suggest reducing the use of private vehicles in Jakarta. Alternatively, they recommend using mass transportation or public transit to reduce vehicle emissions, which are believed to be the primary cause of air pollution in Jakarta.

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Given the situation, using shuttle buses for employees emerged as one of the solutions. Numerous employees from various organizations in the private and public sectors work in Jakarta as the center of the nation’s economy.

With its high passenger capacity per trip, buses are seen as a more effective strategy to reduce vehicle emissions. This strategy can be applied by institutions or organizations in private and public sectors to help lower air pollution levels in Jakarta.

Be Selective in Choosing Employee Shuttle Buses

Note that the chosen employee shuttle buses must be in excellent condition. Besides following emissions limits, they also ensure passengers' comfort, safety, and cleanliness.

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When it comes to bus rental companies meeting these criteria, TRAC is the go-to option. TRAC offers vehicle rental services, ranging from cars to buses. As for the bus options, you can choose from Small and Medium Buses to Big and Luxury Buses.

You can also choose from an 11- to 59-seater bus, with seatbelts for every seat. To give you the best experience possible, some buses even come with Wi-Fi, LCD TVs, a bathroom, a karaoke machine, and a pantry.

Every TRAC bus is equipped with glass breakers, emergency exits, and fire extinguishers for use during an emergency. Plus, the drivers are certified and experienced.

TRAC also gives you more than transportation solutions; excellent conditions are guaranteed for the cars you rent. Its vehicles are new and well-maintained with modern features to make your trip comfortable and safe.

TRAC offers all-around services, including 24-hour customer service. With the experience of over 30 years, TRAC has branch offices in all major cities in Indonesia, ensuring an easier car rental process.

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To enjoy the convenient TRAC services, you can rent a vehicle via the TRACtoGo app available in Playstore and Appstore. For more information, you can visit its official website at
