Flash Auction: A Must-Try Car Auction Method

Flash Auction: A Way to Swiftly Buy and Sell Used Cars

Nowadays, you can easily buy the used car you dream of. Used car showrooms offering various cars brands and models,

older to relatively new, are now easier to find. For some people, buying a used car is ideal when they want a good quality vehicle on a budget. That said, there are things to consider when buying a used car.

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Apart from showrooms, used cars can be bought in an auction house. In fact, the prices offered there are relatively cheaper than those applied in showrooms.

However, the process calls for more effort. The reason is that used cars offered at an auction house generally are not reconditioned.

There are many auction houses. One of the recommended auction houses is IBID, Balai Lelang Serasi. There are several reasons why IBID is the ideal place to find the used car you dream of.

One of the reasons is the simplicity of the auction. Bidders can participate without coming to the place. The auction can be held online via the house's website or IBID application which can be downloaded on the Play Store or App Store.

The IBID application is unique as it provides an auction method that is not found in similar applications.

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The method is called Flash Auction. It is a more interactive auction method, making it easier for bidders to participate. Through this method, the auction can be done swiftly within just 2 hours.

Advantages of IBID Flash Auction

IBID Flash Auction method offers several great features to meet bidders' needs while participating in the online auction. The features include:

1. Live Streaming

The first feature of the IBID Flash Auction is live streaming. This allows bidders to see the condition of the car auctioned.

Bidders can simply sit and watch the examiner or auctioneer thoroughly explain the car's condition on the screen.

This feature helps bidders check the car auctioned online. Bidders do not need to waste energy to find out about the car's condition because the professionals from IBID handle everything.

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2. Live Chat

Next is live chat. After checking the car's condition through live streaming, live chat allows bidders to continue the process by directly interacting with the examiner holding the auction.

Through the feature, bidders can flexibly ask the details regarding the car's condition, history, and supporting documents. This feature is user-friendly. It functions just like other chat services found on social media.

3. Autobid

Another interesting feature is Autobid. With this feature, bidders can set their highest bid. For example, the base price for an auctioned car is Rp100 million; then a bidder can set the highest bid they can afford like Rp150 million.

When other bidders make their bid, the auto-bid system will automatically provide a new bid that refers to the maximum limit previously set. Therefore, when another bidder bids above the limit, the autobid system will stop.

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The auto-bid feature is useful for bidders who want to take part in the auction but are busy. With this feature, bidders do not need to enter bids manually. Bidders can carry out their activities and still win the auction.

Those are some of the features of IBID Flash Auction. Buy a used car you dream of via the auction house today! To get more information regarding the cars and auction schedules, visit the IBID website at
